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Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless gadget may be turning friends away from your home. The elephant in your living room is your Internet-connected security camera, a device people are increasingly using for peace of mind in their homes. But few stop to think about the effect these devices may have on house guests. Should you tell your friends, for instance, that they're being recorded while you all watch the big game together?
“It's certainly new territory, especially as home security cameras become easier to install,” says Lizzie Post, president of the Emily Post Institute, America's foremost manners advisors. “I think it will be very interesting to see what etiquette (礼仪) emerges in terms of whether you tell people you have a camera or not, and whether guests have a right to ask that it be turned off, if it's not a security issue.”
Post wants to make clear that she's not talking about legal rights, but rather personal preferenc. She also wants to explain that there are no right or wrong answers regarding manners on this front yet, because the technology is just now becoming mainstream. Besides, the Emily Post Institute doesn't dictate manners.
When it comes to security cameras, Post says it's a host's responsibility to make sure guests feel comfortable within their home. “I'm always a fan of being open and honest.” For instance, if the host casually acknowledges that there is a camera in the room by telling a story about it, that may be enough to provide an opening for a guest to say if they are uncomfortable.
However, if a contractor is working in your home, you don't need to tell them that there are cameras watching. Then again, the air of accountability that the camera generates can also work in contractors' favor. “If anything does go wrong while they're in the house, they don't want to be blamed for it,” she says. “In fact, the camera could be the thing that proves that they didn't steal the $20, or knock the vase off the table.”
For what reason may your friends feel reluctant to visit your home?
A.The security camera installed may intrude into their privacy.
B.They don’t want their photos to be circulated on the Internet.
C.The security camera may turn out to be harmful to their health.
D.They may not be willing to interact with your family members.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 visit your home 定位到首段第一句:Roughly the size of a soda can, sitting on a bookshelf, a relatively harmless gadget may be turning friends away from your home.

    推理判断题。文章开篇第一句指出,只是一个易拉罐大小、放在书架上且相对没什么害处的小玩意却可能会让朋友对你家敬而远之。接着第二句指出,这个设备就是安装在客厅里的联网安全摄像头。由此推断,朋友不愿来家里做客是因为安装的安全摄像头会侵犯他们的隐私,故答案为 A。
What does Lizzie Post say is new territory?
A.The effect of manners advice on the public.
B.Cost of applying new technologies at home.
C.The increasing use of home security devices.
D.Etiquette around home security cameras.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 new territoiy 定位到第二段:“It's certainly new territory, especially as home security cameras become easier to install,” says Lizzie Post...

    事实细节题。文章第二段第一句提到,利兹 ? 波斯特表示:“这当然是一个新领域,尤其是现在安装家庭安全摄像头已经不是什么难事了。”接着下文指出,就是否告诉别人你家安装摄像头了以及客人是否有权要求关掉摄像头方面而言,看会出现什么礼仪问题将会是一件非常有趣的事。由此可知,第一句中的新领域是指有关于家中安装摄像头涉及的礼仪问题,故答案为 D。
What is Lizzie Post mainly discussing with regard to the use of home security cameras?
A.Legal rights.
B.Moral issues.
C.Likes and dislikes of individuals.
D.The possible impact on manners.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 Lizzie Post 和 the use of home security cameras 定位到第三段第一句:Post wants to make clear that she's not talking about legal rights, but rather personal preferences.

    事实细节題。文章第三段第一句指出,波斯特想澄清的是,她讨论的不是法律权利,而是个人喜好问题。C 中的 likes and dislikes of individuals 対应定位句中的 personal preferences,故答案为 C。
What is a host’s responsibility regarding security cameras, according to Lizzie Post?
A.Making their guests feel at ease.
B.Indicating where they are.
C.Turning them off in time.
D.Ensuring their guests’ privacy.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 a host's responsibility 定位到第四段第一句:When it comes to security cameras, Post says it's a host's responsibility to make sure guests feel comfortable within their home.

    事实细节题。第四段第一句提到,说到安全摄像头,波斯特说,主人有义务保证客人在家做客时感到舒适。A 中的 making their guests feel at ease 对应定位句中的 make sure guests feel comfortable,故答案为 A。
In what way can the home security camera benefit visitors to your home?
A.It can satisfy their curiosity.
B.It can prove their innocence.
C.It can help them learn new technology.
D.It can make their visit more enjoyable.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 benefit visitors 定位到第五段最后三句:Then again, the air of accountability that the camera generates can also work in contractors' favor. “ If anything does go wrong while they're in the house, they don't want to be blamed for it,” she says. "In fact, the camera could be the thing that proves that they didn't steal the $20, or knock the vase off the table.

    推理判断题。定位句指出,摄像头所创造的负责任的氛围对来到家里的承包商有利。波斯特说:“比如,他们在家里工作时,家里确实出了什么问题,他们也不想因此受到指责。” 她还提到:“事实上,摄像头可以证明那20美元不是他们偷的,桌上的花瓶也不是他们打碎的。” 由此可知,家庭安全摄像头可证明访客的清白,故答案为 B。