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Most kids grow up learning they cannot draw on the walls. But it might be time to unlearn that training — this summer, group of culture addicts, artists and community organizers are inviting New Yorkers to write all over the walls of an old house on Governor's Island.
The project is called Writing On It All, and it's a participatory writing project and artistic experiment that has happened on Governor's Island every summer since 2013.
"Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons, or they just kind of happen to be there," Alexandra Chasin, artistic director of Writing On It All, tells Smithsonian.com.
The 2016 season runs through June 26 and features sessions facilitated by everyone from dancers to domestic workers. Each session has a theme, and participants are given a variety of materials and prompts and asked to cover surfaces with their thoughts and art. This year, the programs range from one that turns the house into a collaborative essay to one that explores the meaning of exile.
Governor's Island is a national historic landmark district long used for military purposes. Now known as "New York's shared space for art and play," the island, which lies between Manhattan and Brooklyn in Upper New York Bay, is closed to cars but open to summer tourists who flck for festivals, picnics, adventures, as well as these "legal graffiti(涂鸦)" Sessions.
The notes and art scribbled(涂画) on the walls are an experiment in self-expression. So far, participants have ranged in age from 2 to 85. Though Chasin says the focus of the work is on the activity of writing, rather than the text that ends up getting written, some of the work that comes out of the sessions has stuck with her.
"One of the sessions that moved me the most was state violence on black women and black girls," says Chasin, explaining that in one room, people wrote down the names of those killed because of it. "People do beautiful work and leave beautiful messages."
What does the project Writing On It All invite people to do?
A.Unlearn their training in drawing.
B.Participate in a state graffiti show.
C.Cover the walls of an old house with graffiti.
D.Exhibit their artistic creations in an old house.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    本题考査项目细节信息:邀请人们参加的具体活动内容。由题干关键信息the project Writing On It All 及 invite people to do 可定位至首两段(inviting New Yorkers to... The project is called Writing On It All)。A源自首段②句unlearn that training,但that training指代“教育孩子不能在墙上画画”,与选项中training in drawing(绘画训练)意思完全不同。B利用首两段的participatory, write all over the walls、New Yorkers ... Governor(可能联想到纽约州)”等信息主观臆测“该项目邀请人们参加一场纽约州举办的涂鸦展”,但由首段②句可知该项目并非展览(是参与涂鸦)。D将首段②句的邀约活动由“一座老房子的墙上涂鸦(write all over the walls of an old house)”窜改为“在一座老房子里展览艺术作品”。首段②句提到“纽约市民受邀到总督岛一座老房子的墙上尽情涂写”,随后第二段①句则指出“该项目名为Writing On It All”。综合即:Writing On It All项目邀请人们在一座老房子的墙上进行涂鸦(write all over the walls义同cover the walls... with graffiti),C正确。
What do we learn about the participants in the project?
A.They are just culture addicts.
B.They are graffiti enthusiasts.
C.They are writers and artists.
D.They are mostly passers-by.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查“项目参与者”相关内容。题干关键词participants首现于第三段。A将首段②句的“项目组织者/邀约发出者(cultureaddicts...)”偷换为“项目参与者”。B、C分别由首两段提到的项目性质“涂鸦活动”、“涂写项目和艺术实验(writing project and artistic experiment,主观臆测项目参与者为“涂鸦爱好者”、“作家和艺术家(writers and artists)”,并非文中信息。第三段引语内介绍:大多数参与者都是刚好路过(just walking by)或因其他原因来到岛上(for other reasons),或者说,他们只是刚好碰巧在这里(happen to be there),可见D正确。
What did the project participants do during the 2016 season?
A.They were free to scribble on the walls whatever came to their mind.
B.They expressed their thoughts in graffiti on the theme of each session.
C.They learned the techniques of collaborative writing.
D.They were required to cooperate with other creators.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查“2016活动季中项目参与者的行动”。由题干关键词the 2016 season定位至第四段。A中“完全随意涂画”与第四段②句“每次活动都有一个主题(围绕主题涂画)”不符。C、D均利用第四段③句collaborative干扰,但此句是在例举其中一个主题活动“把房子 变成一篇通力合作的漫笔”,而非说明活动过程中参与者“学会了合作涂写的技巧”或“被要求与其他创作者合作”。第四段指出,2016活动季主打全民共同推进的活动,每个活动都有一个主题,要求参与者运用自己的想法与技艺来涂抹墙面,B符合文意,expressed their thoughts in graffiti 与 cover surfaces with their thoughts and art 同义。
What kind of place is Governor's Island?
A.It is a historic site that attracts tourists and artists.
B.It is an area now accessible only to tourist vehicles.
C.It is a place in Upper New York Bay formerly used for exiles.
D.It is an open area for tourists to enjoy themselves year round.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    本题询问“总督岛的相关信息”,直接定位至第五段(Governor's Island...)。B与第五段②句“总督岛禁止车辆进入(closed to cars)”相悖。C虽然准确描述了总督岛的地理位置(位于上纽约湾),但“曾用于流放地(formerly used for exiles)”则是用第四段exile捏造的干扰(文中用于指一个活动主题为“探索流亡的意义”,与总督岛的用途完全无关)。D无视第五段②句“总督岛夏季对游客开放(open to summer tourists)”,将开放时间扩大为“全年”。本段①句指出,总督岛是一个历史性地标区。②句指出,总督岛现在成了纽约市的“艺术娱乐共享空间”,每年夏天都能吸引大量游客来此参加各类活动,A是对这些信息的概括。
What does Chasin say about the project?
A.It just focused on the sufferings of black females.
B.It helped expand the influence of graffiti art.
C.It has started the career of many creative artists.
D.It has created some meaningful artistic works.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    本题询问査辛对“尽情涂写”项目的看法,根据人名(Chasin)及出题顺序规律定位至第六、七段。A杂糅第六段个别词汇focus与第七段所述活动“关注黑人女性遭遇”,但第七段所述活动仅是项目一部分,并非唯一关注点(just focused on错误)。B中“涂鸦艺术”虽复现第五段②句提到的“合法涂鸦活动”,但“扩大影响”纯属捏造。C所说“该项目开创艺术家的职业生涯”与第三段“该项目参与者大多是过路人,来自各行各业”相悖。第六段③句指出,査辛说虽然项目重点在于涂写活动本身,但还是有些作品令她难以忘怀。第七段进而举例最另其感动的作品“在房间里写下因国家暴力惨遭杀害的黑人女性姓名”。可见査辛认为这个项目创造了一些有意义的艺术作品,D正确。