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A growing number of U.S. bike riders are attracted to electric bikes for convenience, health benefits and their fun factor. Although ebikes first appeared in the 90s, cheaper options and longer-lasting batteries are breathing new life into the concept.
Established bike companies and startups are embracing ebikes to meet demand. About 34 million ebikes were sold worldwide last year, according to data from eCycleElectric Consultants. Most were sold in Europe and China,where the bikes already have exploded in popularity.Recently, the U.s. market has grown to 263,000 bikes, a 25% gain from the prior year.
The industry is benefiting from improved batteries as suppliers over the years developed technology for laptops, smartphones and electric cars. In 2004, the price of batteries used on ebikes fell, spurring European sales.
But lower cost options are emerging, too. This month, three U.S. bikeshare companies, Motivate, LimeBike and Spin, announced electric bicycles will be added to their fleets. New York-based Jump Bikes is already operating an electric bikeshare in Washington,D.C., and is launching in San Francisco Thursday. Rides cost $ 2 for 30 minutes.
The system works like existing dockless bikeshare systems,where riders unlock bikes through a smartphone app.“This is the beginning of a long-term shift away from regular pedal(踏板) to electric bikes,”said Jump Bikes CEO Ryan Rzepecki. “When people first jump on an ebike, their face lights up. It’s exciting and joyful in a way that you don’t get from a regular bike.”
Two years ago, CEO Chris Cocalis of Pivot Cycles,which sells high-end mountain bikes,found that U.S. bike shops weren’t interested in stocking ebikes. Some retailers warned Cocalis that they’d drop the brand if it came out with an electric bike.
Now that sales are taking off,the vast majority of bike dealers are asking Cocalis when he’ll make an ebike available. “There’s tremendous opportunity to get a generation of people for whom suffering isn’t their thing,” Cocalis said. “Ebike riders get the enjoyable part of cycling without themassive suffering of climbing huge hills.”
What do we learn from the passage about ebikes?
A.Their health benefits and fun values outweigh their cost.
B.They did not catch public attention in the United States until the 1990s.
C.They did not become popular until the emergence of improved batteries.
D.Their widespread use is attributable to people’s environmental awareness.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干关键词ebikes定位至首段第二句。该句提到,尽管电动自行车早在90年代就出现了,但更便宜的价格和更耐用的电池给这一概念注入了新的活力。可知,“直到改进电池的出现,它们才开始流行”,故答案选C)项。同时排除 D)项;文章首句提到,越来越多的美国自行车骑手都被电动自行车所吸引,因为电动自行车方便、有益健康,而且有趣。但文中并未提到“它们的健康益处和娱乐价值超过了它们的成本”,故排除 A) 项;电动自行车早在90年代就出现了,但流行起来却是现在,故排除 B)项。
What brought about the boost in ebike sales in Europe at the beginning of the century?
A.Updated technology of bike manufacture.
B.The falling prices of ebike batteries.
C.Changed fashion in short-distance travel.
D.The rising costs for making electric cars.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干关键词 Europe和the beginning of the century定位至第三段。该段中提到, 由于供应商多年来开发了用于笔记本电脑、智能手机和电动汽车的技术,电动自行车行业正受益于电池的改进。2004年,电动自行车上使用的电池价格下跌,刺激了它在欧洲的销量。可知,“电池价格的下跌”使电动自行车在欧洲的销量增加,故答案选 B)项。
What is the prospect of the bike industry according to Ryan Rzepecki?
A.More will be invested in bike battery research.
B.The sales of ebikes will increase.
C.It will profit from ebike sharing.
D.It will make a difference in people’s daily lives.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干定位至第五段。该段中提到,Jump Bikes首席执行官莱恩·雷兹皮茨基说: “这是从普通踏板向电动自行车的长期转变的开始。当人们第一次骑电动自行车时,他们的脸上神采飞扬。这种兴奋和快乐是骑普通自行车体会不到的”。可知,莱恩·雷兹皮茨基认为电动自行车会“改变人们的日常生活”,故答案选 D)项。A)项和 C)项在文中均未提及,故排除;B)项属过度推断,故排除。
What prevented Chris Cocalis from developing ebikes sooner?
A.Retailers’ refusal to deal in ebikes.
B.High profits from conventional bikes.
C.Users’concern about risks of ebike riding.
D.His focus on selling costly mountain bikes.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    根据题干定位至第六段。该段提到,两年前,销售高端山地车的 Pivot Cycles公司的首席执行官克里斯·科卡利斯发现,美国的自行车商店对储备电动自行车不感兴趣。一 些零售商警告科卡利斯,如果他们品牌推出电动自行车,他们就放弃该品牌。可知,“零售商拒绝经销电动自行车”阻止了克里斯·科卡利斯更早地开发电动自行车,故答案选 A)项。其他三项在文中均未提及,故排除。
What makes Chris Cocalis believe there is a greater opportunity for ebike sales?
A.The further lowering of ebike prices.
B.The public’s concern for their health.
C.The increasing interest in mountain climbing.
D.The younger generation’s pursuit of comfortable riding.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    题目就提问。根据题干关键词Chris Cocalis和a greater opportunity定位到末段。该段中提到,现在有绝佳的机会可以赢得这一代不喜欢吃苦的人,骑电动自行车的人可以享受骑自行车的乐趣,而不必忍受爬坡的巨大痛苦。可知,克里斯·科卡利斯认为电动自行车具有巨大前景是因为“年轻一代对舒适骑行的追求”,故答案选 D)项。其他三项在文中均未提及,故排除。