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Boredom has become trendy. Studies point to how boredom is good for creativity and innovation, as well as mental health. It is found that people are more creative following·the completion of a tedious task. When people are bored, they have an increase in "associative thought"一the process of making new connections between ideas, which is linked to innovative thinking. These studies are impressive, but in reality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.
In our stimulation-rich world, it seems unrealistic that boredom could occur at all. Yet, there are valid reasons boredom may feel so painful. As it turns out, boredom might signal the fact that you have a need that isn't being met.
Our always-on world of social media may result in more connections, but they are superficial and can get in the way of building a real sense of belonging. Feeling bored may signal the desire for a greater sense of community and the feeling that you fit in with others around you. So take the step of joining an organization to build face-to-face relationships. You'll find depth that you won't get from your screen no matter how many likes you get on your post.
Similar to the need for belonging, bored people often report that they feel a limited sense of meaning. It's a fundamental human need to have a larger purpose and to feel like we're part of something bigger than ourselves. When people are bored, they're more likely to feel less meaning in their lives. If you want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a unique contribution, or find a cause you can support with your time and talent.
If your definition of boredom is being quiet, mindful, and reflective, keep it up. But if you're struggling with real boredom and the emptiness it provokes, consider whether you might seek new connections and more significant challenges. These are the things that will genuinely relieve boredom and make you more effective in the process.
What have studies found about boredom?
A.It facilitates innovative thinking.
B.It is a result of doing boring tasks.
C.It helps people connect with others.
D.It does harm to one's mental health.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 studies 和 boredom 定位到第一段第二、三句。细节辨认题。文章第一段第二句提到,研究指出,无聊是如何有利于创造力的。第三句提 到,研究发现,人们在完成一项枯燥乏味的任务后更有创造力。第四句进一步指出,当人们感到无聊时,他们会增加“联想思维”,这与创新思维有关。由此可见,科学家对无聊所做的研究表明,无聊可以激发人们的创造性思维,故答案为A。
What does the author say boredom might indicate?
A.A need to be left alone.
B.A desire to be fulfilled.
C.A conflict to be resolved.
D.A feeling to be validated.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 boredom might indicate 定位到第二段最后一句。推理判断题。定位句提到,事实证明,无聊可能表明你的需求没有得到满足。由此可知,当人们感到无聊时,这表明人们的某种需求未得到 满足,故答案为B。
What do we learn about social media from the passage?
A.It makes them aware of what they are strong at.
B.It may get in the way of enhancing one's social status.
C.It may prevent people from developing a genuine sense of community.
D.It may make people feel that they ought to fit in with the outside world.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的social media定位到第三段第一、二句。推理判断题。定位句指出,我们一直在线的社交媒体世界可能会产生更多的联系,但这些联系是肤浅的,可能会妨碍建立真正的归属感。 感到无聊可能表明更强烈的群体意识的欲望,并且想要融入你周围的人之中。由此可见,过多的社交媒体会妨碍我们建立真正的归属感,造成群体意识的缺失,故答案为C。
What does the author suggest people do to get rid of boredom?
A.Count the likes they get on their posts.
B.Reflect on how they relate to others.
C.Engage in real-life interactions.
D.Participate in online discussions.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 get rid of boredom 定位到第三段第三句和最后一段第二、三句。推理判断题。第三段第三句提到采取措施加入一个组织,建立面对面的关系。最后一段第二句提到,如果你正与真正的无聊和它所引发的空虚作斗争,考虑一下你是否可能寻求新的联系和更重大的挑战。这些事情将真正缓解无聊,让你在这个过程中更有效率。综合两部分内容可知,答案为C。
What should people do to enhance their sense of meaning?
A.Try to do something original.
B.Confront significant challenges.
C.Define boredom in their unique way.
D.Devote themselves to a worthy cause.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    由题干中的 enhance their sense of meaning 定位到第四段最后一句。推理判断题。定位句指出,如果你想减少无聊感,增加你的意义感,找一份你能做出独特贡献的工作,或者找一个你能用时间和才能支持的事业。由此可见,作者认为,人们想要增加意义感 的两种方法为:一、找一份可以做出独特贡献的工 作;二、找一份能有时间和才能支持的事业。故答案为D。