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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a course that impressed you most in college. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words, but no more than 180 words.
  • 参考答案:A Course That Has Impressed Me Most in College
    There are a variety of courses in college which provide students with multiple options to broaden their knowledge. They can choose different courses according to their own preferences. It goes without saying that students really benefit from it in many respects.
    As far as I am concerned, I do harvest a lot from the courses I choose. Last semester, as a junior student, I chose the course of British Literature which has impressed me most. In the first place, I was deeply charmed by the scholarly image of the professor for this course—his broad range of knowledge and unusual but interesting teaching method. In the second place,my vision has been definitely broadened by this course. Apart from the basic knowledge in our textbook,I have also learnt something practical and got an in-depth understanding of Britain. Last but not least, this course has aroused my enthusiasm for studying English well. This will help perfect my knowledge system.
    In general,I am satisfied with the broad range of courses offered by my college. And I am glad to have chosen the course of British Literature. It surely has a great effect on me.
  • 系统解析:
    第一句开篇总起,描述现象:大学课程丰富。第二三句,说明该现象对学生的影响:学生因丰富的课程而大受裨益。第四句,指出自身从中受益匪浅。第五句点题:指出“我”印象最深刻的一门课程。第六七八句,使用in the first place...in the second place... Last but not least列举该课程使“我”印象深刻的不同原因,层次分明。第九十句,归纳总结,进一步突出主题。