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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 80 minutes to write an essay commenting on Alert Einstein's remark "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." You can give an example or two to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 15 words but no more than 200 words.
  • 参考答案:On Curiosity
    Albert Einstein once said, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. " Simple as the remark may sound, it informs us of the significance of curiosity. Actually doing everything curiously is conducive to our development and eventually leads us to success.
    For one thing, curiosity is an important source of creativity, which is the key to success. Let's take Edison as an example. It was curiosity that made him invent so many things and achieved great success in his career. For another, curiosity is the driving force for us to go forward. Curiosity can change boredom into freshness, which will make us acquire new knowledge constantly. Last but not least, curiosity is helpful in resolving difficulties one by one. A person with curiosity is likely to find the essence of the problem and overcome various difficulties.
    From what has been mentioned above, curiosity is very important and helpful in personal development. Being enthusiastic about curiosity helps us achieve success sooner or later.
  • 系统解析:
    范文第一句是开门见山,引出引言:我没有特殊的才能,我只是激情般地好奇。范文第二句指出引言传达的信息——好奇心的 重要性。范文第四,六,八句通过For one thing,For another. Last but not least 分层次分析好奇心的重要性。范文第十句总结全文,并提出建议:好奇心很敢 要也很有用.我们要保持好奇的热情。