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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance work and leisure. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  • 参考答案:How to Balance Work and Leisure
    ① Just as the old saying goes, “ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. " It illustrates the importance and necessity of keeping a balance between work and leisure. ② However, in today's fast-paced work culture, it's difficult for most people to successfully maintain a good balance between the two.
    ③ As for me, some tips can contribute to achieving the balance.④ First of all, you should develop efficient working habits, because only in this way can you squeeze out some leisure time. It requires you to devote your full attention to the task at hand and complete daily work efficiently. ⑤ Secondly, in order to relieve the fatigue and stress, ifs vital to schedule one thing that you are interested in each day and set aside some time for relaxation.⑥ Last but not least, for those workaholics, please keep in mind that if you work hard, you shouldn't feel guilty when you spend time on personal leisure activities, for entertainment is also a part of life.
    ⑦To conclude, work and leisure complement each other, so when you get tired of and bored with your daily grind, try to take some time off work to relax yourself.
  • 系统解析:
    ①开门见山,引用俗语指出平衡好工作和 休闲是重要且必要的。
    ②使用however 进行转折,指出很多人很 难做到这一点。
    ③使用as for me 提出自己的看法。
    ④⑤⑥ 分别使用 first of all、secondly、last but not least 就如何平衡工作和休闲给 出三点建议。
    ⑦使用to conclude 总结全文,再次重申自己的观点。