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For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the importance of motivation and methods in learning. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  • 参考答案:Any experienced teacher would seek to motivate his students to learn, and share advice on how to find the approaches to learning that suit them well. This universal consistency among education experts indisputably demonstrates an immutable principle of learning: initiative and correct methods are fundamental to academic success.
    Highly motivated students find learning pleasant and rewarding, and therefore maintain a strong desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, and enough courage to meet new challenges. Unmotivated students, in contrast, feel like they are forced to learn and get bored easily with this seemingly endless process. In addition, proper methods are a contributing factor in increased efficiency and positive learning outcomes. Top students don't necessarily spend the most amount of time on learning, but more often than not have found the right ways to improve their academic performance.
    It is widely acknowledged that there aren't any shortcuts to learning. But at least, a high level of motivation and smart strategies make someone a dedicated and efficient learner.
  • 系统解析:
    Tell me and I forge. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn. (Benjamin Franklin)
    Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way. (Les Brown)
    Intrinsic motivation is one of learning's most precious resources. It bolsters us to stick out the tough moments of a challenge and pursue what we love to do. (Rachel Simmons)
    The motivation to do anything—like change your entire life around—doesn't just come from some magical, mystical place within you. Action is both the effect of motivation and the cause of it. (Mark Manson)