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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to develop creativity.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  • 参考答案:Creativity tends to be considered as an ability with which only a few people are endowed. In fact, it can be taught, practiced and developed. Unfortunately, the conventional teaching method focuses on convergent instead of divergent thinking. Simply put, students are always asked to solve problems that have one correct and well-established answer rather than come up with multiple solutions to open-ended questions.
    Such neglect of developing creativity will hamper students' career growth. As everyone knows, creative minds are able to think out of the box. By making novel, original or even unorthodox suggestions, they often act as a savior of a team stuck on a tricky problem. It is no wonder that creativity is one of the soft skills employers value most. Furthermore, lack of this ability may have an adverse effect on students’mental health.That is because creativity goes a long way to equipping them for the real world characterized by rapid changes. It allows them to look at difficulties and frustrations from a fresh perspective, so that they can live with and adapt to the unknown.
    To sum up, a creative person has a competitive edge over other job candidates and is more likely to keep composure amid uncertainties. School education should therefore lay more emphasis on fostering creativity among students.
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