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Effective Friday, Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17, 2015. The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry, like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.
The strike comes in light of an unsuccessful 19 months of negotiations after the existing labor contract known as the Interactive Media Agreement expired in late 2014. overall, the strike is an effort to provide more secondary compensation along with other concerns, such as transparency upon hiring talent and on-set (制作中) safety precautions.
The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years. The Los Angeles Times reports that the industry is in the midst of an intense increase in cash flow. In 2015, gaming produced $23.5 billion in domestic revenue.
But SAG-AFTRA says voice actors don’t receive residuals (追加酬金) for their gaming work. Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session. So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation—a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads, or reaches 2 million subscribers, with a cap at 8 million.
“It’s a very small number of games that would trigger this secondary compensation issue,” said voice actor Crispin Freeman, who’s a member of the union’s negotiating committee. “This is an important aspect of what it means to be a freelance (从事自由职业的) performer, who isn’t regularly employed every single day working on projects.”
Another major complaint from the actors is the secrecy of the industry. “I can’t imagine if there’s any other acting job in the world where you don’t know what show you’re in, when you’re hired,”says voice actor Keythe Farley, who chairs the SAG-AFTRA negotiating committee.
“And yet that happens every day in the video game world,”Farley told reporters during a press conference Friday. “I was a main character in Fallout 4, a character by the name of Kellogg, and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half.”
Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companies, says voice actors “represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game.” So “even though they’re the top craftsmen in their field,”Witlin says, “if we pay them under a vastly different system than the people who do the 99.9 percent of the work, that’s going to create far more problems for the video game companies.”
Why did SAG-AFTRA declare a strike against some video game publishers?
A.The labor contract between them had been violated.
B.Its appeal to renegotiate the contract had been rejected.
C.It had been cheated repeatedly in the 19 months of talks.
D.The negotiations between them had broken down.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查SAG-AFTRA罢工的原因,可定位至第二段首句(The strike comes in light of…)。A将双方的劳动合同“已到期(expired)”窜改为“被违反(be violated)”。B违背第二段首句“现行劳动合同到期后,双方进行了长时间的谈判”。C由19 months of negotiations及transparency杂揉捏造,但transparency与“谈判是否透明/存在欺骗”无关,而是指“招聘人才的透明度”。第二段首句指出,2014年底现行劳工合同到期,而后双方持续了19个月的谈判,最后谈判失败触发了此次罢工。可见SAG-AFTRA宣布罢工的原因是谈判失败,D正确。
What do we learn from the passage about the video gaming industry?
A.It has reaped huge profits in recent years.
B.It has become more open and transparent.
C.It has attracted many famous voice actors.
D.It has invested a lot in its domestic market.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查电子游戏产业(the video gaming industry)相关信息,可定位至第三段(The video gaming industry ... the industry ... gaming)。B利用第二段transparency设障,但“罢工者要求透明”恰恰说明“该行业不透明”。C对第三段事实“电子游戏产业迅速壮大”以及文中主要人物“配音演员”过度推断,文中并未提及配音演员的数量变化。D将第三段末句“电子游戏业创造了巨额国内收入(produced...domestic revenue)”窜改为“向国内市场大量投资(invested... domestic market)”第三段指出,电子游戏业近年来迅速壮大,现金流猛增,2015年创造了巨额国内收入,可知该行业收益巨大,A正确。
What are the voice actors demanding?
A.More regular employment.
B.A non-discriminatory contract.
C.Extra pay based on sales revenues.
D.A limit on the maximum work hours.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查配音演员的要求,可定位至第四段②句(the voice actors are pushing for...)。A由Freeman对配音演员的描述“工作不固定(isn't regularly employed)”主观推断“要求稳定就业”,但原文强调“对工作不固定的配音演员二次付酬”,并非“应使他们稳定就业”。B由who/a freelancer performer isn't regularly employed主观脆断出“自由职业的配音演员受到歧视“,但文中实指“配音演员的工作性质是自由职业”,与歧视无关。D将第四段cap所指“二次付酬金额的上限”改为“工作时间的上限”。第四段②句指出,配音演员们在努力争取二次付酬,即每款游戏达到一定销售额时(200万份销售量/下载量/用户),配音演员可获得绩效奖金(a performance bonus)。即,配音演员要求根据销售额支付额外工资,C正确。
What does Keythe Farley say about voice actors?
A.They are kept in the dark about many details of their job.
B.They are discriminated against in the gaming industry.
C.They are not paid on a regular basis.
D.They are not employed full-time.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查Keythe Farley谈及的内容,可定位至第六、七段(...says voice actor Keythe Farley...;...Farley told reporters...)。B对第六段断章取义,误认为the secrecy of the industry ... I can't imagine if there's any other acting job ..是在指出“游戏业对待配音演员明显不如其他人员”,而实际含义为“在其他表演行业无法想象的事情在游戏业却每天都在发生”。C、D对第五段内容张冠李戴说明“配音演员不是全职雇员(isn't regularly employed)、(由此导致)没有稳定收入”的是Crispin Freeman,而非Keythe Farley。第六段Keythe Farley提出,在电子游戏行业里,配音演员不知道自己在出演什么,也不知道自己什么时候被录用;第七段Farley讲述亲身经历“工作了一年半都不知道自己在为哪款游戏配音” 。可见他提出配音演员对许多工作细节一无所知,A正确。
What is the argument of lawyer Scott Witlin?
A.Voice actors should have a pay raise if they prove to be top craftsmen.
B.Changing the pay system would cause the industry more problems.
C.Voice actors are mere craftsmen, not professional performers.
D.Paying voice actors on an hourly basis is in line with the law.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
    本题考查Scott Witlin律师的观点,定位至末段(Scott Witlin, the lawyer ...says ...)。A、C均利用top craftsmen干扰:A将原文“转折关系(即使是顶尖工匠/配音演员,对其采用不同的薪酬体系也会带来问题)”窜改为“假设关系(如果顶尖,则可采用不同薪酬体系/加薪)”;C将原文“同指关系(工匠即指配音演员)”改为“对立关系(工匠不是专业演员)。D由Scott Witlin的资方律师立场(代表电子游戏公司的利益)及现行薪酬制度$ 825 for a standard four-hour vocal session脆断而来,原文并无根据。末段Scott Witlin提出,对于电子游戏制作,配音演员的工作仅占所有工作的不到千分之一,如果对其采用与那些做了99.9%工作的人不同的薪酬体系,会给电子游戏公司带来更多问题,可见Scott Witlin认为改变薪酬体系会给电子游戏业带来更多问题,B正确。