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In department stores and closets all over the world, Their outward appearance seems rather appealing because they come in a variety of styles, textures, and colors. But they are ultimately the biggest deception that exists in the fashion industry today. What are they? They are high heels-a woman's worst enemy (whrther she knows it or not). High heel shoes are the downfall of modern society. Fashion myths have led women to believe that they are more beautiful or sophisticated for wearing heels, but in reality, heels succeed in posing short as well as long term hardships. Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purchase them in order to save the world should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purechase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering.
For the sake of fairness, it must be noted that there is a positive side to high heels. First, heels are excellent for aerating (使通气)lawns. Anyone who has ever worn heels on grass knows what I am talking about. A simple trip around the yard in a pair of those babies eliminates all need to call for a lawn care specialist, and provides the perfect-sized holes to give any lawn oxygen without all those messy chunks of dirt lying around. Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be scared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories.
Regardless of such practical uses for heels, the fact remains that wearing high heel is harmful to one's physical health. Talk to any podiatrist (足病医生),and you will hear that the majority of their business comes from high-heel-wearing women. High heels are known to cause problems such as de?formed feet and torn toenails. The risk of severe back problems and twisted or broken ankles is three times higher for a high heel wearer than for at flat shoe wearer. Wearing heels also creates the threat of get?ting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate (阴沟柵)and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck. And of course, after wearing heels for a day, any woman knows she can look forward to a night of pain as she tries to comfort her swollen, aching feet.
What makes women blind to the deceptive nature of high heels?
A.The multi-functional use of high heels.
B.Their attempt to show off their status.
C.The rich variety of high heel styles.
D.Their wish to improve their appearance.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:D
  • 系统解析:
The author's presentation of the positive side of high heels is meant ______.
A.to be ironic
B.to poke fun at women
C.to be fair to the fashion industry
D.to make his point convincing
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析:
The author uses the expression “those babies”(Line 3, Para. 2) to refer to high heels _____.
A.to show their fragile characteristics
B.to indicate their feminine features
C.to show women's affection for them
D.to emphasize their small size
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:C
  • 系统解析:
The author's chief argument against high heels is that ______.
A.they pose a threat to lawns
B.they are injurious to women's health
C.they don't necessarily make women beautiful
D.they are ineffective as a weapon of defense
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:B
  • 系统解析:
It can be inferred from the passage that women should ______.
A.see through the very nature of fashion myths
B.boycott the products of the fashion industry
C.go to a podiatrist regularly for advice
D.avoid following fashion too closely
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • 参考答案:A
  • 系统解析: